Kids Art Contest Winners
When we announced our Art Contest in collaboration with NB Social Pediatrics last month, we never expected to receive SO many submissions from so many wonderfully talented kids! Selecting winners was incredibly difficult, as we simply loved every piece you sent our way. We ultimately picked pieces we knew would suit our gifts well as accompanying cards expressing congratulations, joy, sympathy and well wishes. We were amazed at the number of truly gifted budding artists in our province, and we can't wait to host another contest ahead of the holiday season (keep your eyes and ears peeled this August).
As indicated in the contest page, the selected works will be printed into postcards and shipped out with thousands of gifts all year long. Winners will also receive prize packs from Rising Tide Gifts that focus on sharing amazing New Brunswick authors, as well as have access to ongoing support in growing their art career from our team. Without further ado, our winners are:
Ages 7 & Under

Alli Butler, age 5, Jellyfish

Marnie Lutes, age 7, Love Mail

Maryn Pratt, age 7, Frog
Ages 8-12

Myra Bleakney, age 11, Trees

Eleonore Valdron, age 8, Rainbow

Maria Hiltz, age 10, Cat Chair

Brayden Woodhouse, age 9, Tulips
Ages 13-17

Amy Zaionz, age 16, Window Plants

Abigail Beck, age 15, Mug in Window

Peyton Longworth, age 15, Humpback Whale

Evan Finlay, age 16, A Light In The Woods

Margaret Dalisay, age 16, Country Cottage
Our two Grand Champions are Marnie Lutes and Abigail Beck. Their pieces will be turned into 5x7 greeting cards which will be available for sale online and in-store, the proceeds of which will go to support NB Social Pediatrics.
Thank you so much for your support and participation in this contest - we can't wait to do it again!
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